New Trespa website
At Trespa, we approach everything we do by looking through the eyes of our customers, partners and end users. So when it came time to redesign our website, we took the same methodical approach we use with engineering. Who is reading the website? What do they need? What would make their experience easier? And we came to an inescapable conclusion: our audiences are quite different.
Our website was for architects, installers and construction professionals, building owners and property managers, and people curious about our products. These four audiences are often looking for different things from our site. This meant we had a choice. We could try to aim for the centre, which is the common communications approach. Or we could develop different sites by audience group.
Aiming for the centre means the website is easier to build and run. It also means that people have much more to sift through to find what they need. It means that we’re limited in how directly we can speak to the needs and concerns of each group. Ultimately, it meant less work for us and more work for our readers. That’s just not how we work at Trespa.
We split our website into four sites. When you arrive at the site, you’re asked to put yourself into a group. From there, you’re led to a website catered to your needs. If you’re an architect, the case studies focus on the ground-breaking projects that used Trespa for an eye-catching appearance. If you’re a construction professional, you can learn about the installation and unique support, including our Trespa® Trained Installer programme. If you’re a building owner, you can see case studies about the low maintenance and durability of Trespa® products.
We’re excited about the new communications channel this represents. Now, we can speak more clearly and more directly to the people who make up the Trespa community. We’ll be posting news and projects as they come in, so our carefully crafted site will always have new information. To be sure you never miss a thing, please sign up for our newsletter. That way, you’ll see every time something new and interesting is posted.
Our newly unveiled site is the culmination of a lot of hard work by our teams. We hope you enjoy it.