Formica Headquarters

Formica Corporation headquarters in Cincinnati installs Trespa façade cladding & siding
Nearly 30 years ago, Mark Costandi began his architecture career with the mission of providing services for developers and communities. His approach was rooted in the belief that success requires the collaboration and communication of all parties. Mark still uses this belief for his company, Costandi Studio; an architecture + planning firm. So, when Costandi Studio was contacted about installing Trespa® brand products on the facade of the Formica Corporation Headquarters, they were excited for the project.
Formica Corporation’s entrance to their headquarters in Cincinnati, Ohio needed a renovation and knowing the work Costandi has done working with hotels, retail, office buildings, and multi-family housing, Mark and his team did not shy away the project.
“Our goal (and the client’s) was to create a dramatic façade and obvious entry point for visitors,” President of Costandi Studio, Mark Costandi said. We wanted to present the Trespa® brand products as a show piece for what they can achieve in a creative and easily installed renovated façade application. We also had to deal with a constant leak at the original entry canopy and provide a new canopy/ drop-off with better protection.”
Both Trespa® Meteon® and Pura® NFC by Trespa were chosen for the renovation. Trespa® Meteon® Lumen – featured in all three finishes - and Uni Colors were cut in triangles in various shades of red for a unique, showstopping visual effect while the entrance showcased Trespa® Meteon® Wood Decors. To complete the design, Pura® NFC siding was used for the soffit for the finishing touch.
The studio found Trespa® Meteon® to be a versatile solution for most architectural and gives maximum design freedom and a long lasting, beautiful finish. Its closed surface minimizes dirt build-up and makes the panels easy to clean. It keeps buildings looking good for decades.
The contractors were also impressed with its easy field cut but also noted that proper engineering is paramount to its installation. The Studio was happy with the result because they felt it met their mission. The outcome is an approach that addresses the most important perspectives of those that work, live, and play in and around the environment created.
“The final design appears to have met all the goals”, Costandi said. “As a “puzzle-solver” one of my favorite aspects of the project was developing a creative pattern with the Trespa® materials in geometry, texture and color that was able to minimize panel waste.”