60 余载的研究、技术和创新经验
在 Trespa公司,我们致力于通过历久弥新的优质创新解决方案来改善我们的生活空间和城市景观。60 余年来,Trespa® 产品备受全球建筑师和承包商的青睐,广泛应用于企业、医疗保健、多用途建筑以及私人住宅等建筑领域。
与我们“ 新材料建筑” (Nemho) 研发中心的两位实验室专家会面;他们会为您演示对所有 Trespa 公司板材所做的一些严格测试,这些测试旨在确保我们的产品在使用寿命、清洁性、颜色稳定性以及各种极端条件耐受力方面能够达到优良的品质标准。
我们诚邀您点击下方按钮来观看 Trespa公司 质量视频系列。测试的重点主要涉及 Trespa® 板材的耐化学性、极端气候条件和紫外线照射耐受性、机械强度、耐固定性、耐刮擦性和耐冲击性以及尺寸的稳定性。
Artificial Weathering Test
Trespa International B.V. is recognised internationally as a premier developer of high-quality panels for exterior cladding, decorative façades, and scientific surface solutions. Trespa focuses on the longevity of its products. Therefore the exterior cladding panels undergo a testing time in extreme weather conditions.
Resistance to Sulphur Dioxide
Pollutants in the air can degrade the panel properties. To validate these properties, the panels are exposed in Sulphur dioxide and then measured for appearances.
Resistance to Fixing Test
All Trespa panels are mounted to exterior applications and it is crucial to determine the force required to pull the screw out of a mounted panel.
Mechanical Strength Test
Trespa products are employed in high stress environments, so it is important to determine the loads a panel can sustain.
Resistance to Scratching Test
Resistance to scratching is an important test to characterize the quality of the surface finish in TopLab products. Using a diamond tip needle is used to apply an increasing load on the surface of the panel.
Resistance to Impact by a Large Diameter Ball Test
Trespa panels are used in demanding environments where preventing damage to the surface is critical. Through this test is measured the maximum amount of energy a panel can withstand without being damaged.
Dimensional Stability at Elevated Temperatures Test
Trespa products are used in a variety of climate conditions and therefore it is important to ensure dimensional stability.
Lightfastness Xenon ARC
It is crucial for Trespa to verify that the surfaces retain their colour throughout the lifetime of the panel. Therefore panels are exposed to constant dosages of UV light and measured for appearances.
Appearence Tests
It is important to Trespa that our panels retain their colour throughout their lifetime. Three different methods are used to validate the appearance of the surfaces.
Chemical Resistance
Trespa panels are used in demanding scientific applications, and therefore testing chemical resistance is especially important.